Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday 6.13.11

This was some crazy shit going on in the West End. We we're skating some spots and saw this fiasco.

After skating I kicked it with Jay Brown and had some beers with the intention of going to the Lenny Lashley show at Geno's but me and Jay drank too many beers and I ended showing up at Geno's for 30 seconds of Lenny's last song. I thought it was pretty funny and had to laugh. I literally walked in, grabbed a PBR and got up front and he's like, "...Thank you Portland!" Haha. So I stayed to check out the other bands and this is "Old Man Markley" all the way from Los Angeles.

They have an electric violin player and every time I see an electric violin I ALWAYS hope it's gonna go down like this: Peep this YouTube vid.

But unfortunately it never does. Maybe this post will inspire some violin playin mutha faccckkkkkaaaa to git down!

Now this is just remarkable. I don't know what that girl is playing but it looks like an electric harp accordian type thing but the best part of this photo is the dude shredding the washboard. Look at him! The "Markleys" are a big band so on top of being INCREDIBLY meticulous with there sound it took awhile to go through each members instrument. I was anticipating that they would sound check the washboard. And I was giggling at the thought because I don't think I would have been able to hold back the laughter if they did that shit.

The "Markleys" gittin' it.

Next up we're the "Pubcrawlers" and they we're really good.

The lead singer has a "Stiv Bators" thing going and it's pretty rad. Definitely a great front man. He dumps beer on himself and basically just goes wild.

This dude shredded the tin whistle.

Even though I missed Lenny's show I did get to kick it with him out front of Geno's for a bit. I told him I missed his set because I was busy drinking and he was stoked. Super cool dude who even offered to play "Good Times" for me since I missed the show. He was like, "C'mon, I'll play that right now." but I politely declined. Peep the vid below to hear "Good Times" and understand why I love that song.

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