Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ducky Boys and Hudson Falcons. Geno's 02.04.12

I can't really quantify in words how hyped I was on this show. I have been listening to The Ducky Boys since 1998 when I got my hands on a copy of Dark Days and I have been real into the Hudson Falcons since my friend Jason Hazlett picked up a copy of Desperation and Revolution back in 2001. Jay and I definitely put back many beers in Lowell, MA listening to that album. Sidenote: Jay used to also brew homemade cider in these plastic water containers before we were 21. And I'll tell ya, he used to make a mean fuckin cider. That ghetto-ass homebrew would fuck you up!

So anyway, Lenny Lashley of Darkbuster fame opened the show. I got to Geno's just as he finished so I missed his set. This is par for the course for me with Lenny Lashley performances in Portland. The dude always plays way too fucking early. He's cool as shit though and if ya need a soundtrack to berr drinking check out his musical endeavors.

Moving on, the Hudson Falcons are completely amazing. If there was any justice in the music world they would have the support of a major label and be the nationally recognized ambassador's of the current Jersey Shore Sound. Unfortunately, main stream America is force fed a diet of safe, gentrified, sterile rock consisting of a band whom I will not even name on my webpage.

Playing slide guitar with a fucking beer bottle! So good!

The Ducky Boys headlined the show and it was incredible. As I mentioned earlier I have been listening to them for a long time and it's always great to see them live. They ripped through a lot of classics as well as some new tunes from there recently released album entitled, Chasing the Ghost. Which I highly recommend. Mark Lind has a way of writing songs that anybody can relate to. He basically puts into song exactly what you are feeling. For real, if your going through tough times it's cathartic to listen to Ducky Boys tunes and know somebody went through the same shit.

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